“68 boys and girls – Illustrated Memorial”
Display at the 2021 Illustration Week
“Art is not a mirror to reflect reality, but a hammer with which to shape it” – Bertolt Brecht.
The violence between Israel and the Palestinians in May 2021 resulted in dozens of Israeli illustrators creating pieces in memory of the boys and girls who were killed in Gaza and Israel. These pieces, a result of the bleeding reality, were compiled and displayed at a new exhibition during Illustration Week, 18-27 November, while the opening was attended by PCFF representatives and the illustrators on November 20. The exhibition included 68 illustrations in memory of the children that were killed.
Some of the illustrators created portraits of the children and others expressed hopes and dreams. The pieces were either freestyle, digital or tangible, but all conveyed emotions that came from the gut and reacted to a painful reality.
There is no right way to commemorate the memory of children killed in war, but illustration is one medium with which to remember and remind and allows us to look reality in the eye, to be pro-active and appeal for action. The exhibition is a memorial full of color, warmth, pain and everything that words can’t express. Each individual piece and the body of work are a way to remember the deaths and lives of 68 boys and girls.
While working on the exhibition and in an appeal to recognize the consequences of the current situation and the option to endeavor otherwise, given that this reality is not predestined, a close collaboration formed with the Parents Circle Families Forum.
All of the illustrations were printed and compiled in an album that is now for sale and the proceeds will be devoted to continuing the Forum’s activities.
To purchase the album for NIS 100 (including delivery), write to us or call +972 3 5355089.
Curator: Or Segal
Production: Yael Nudelman
Design: Noa Aggasi, Or Segal
Art consultant: Dana Gez
Exhibition participants:
Alon Brayer, Amit, Sharon Etgar, Roni Fahima, Itai Bekin, Shachar Kober, Or Segal, Itzik Renrat, Naomi Giger Trainin, Anat Varshavsky, Nahala Stern, Aya Talshir, Dimitri Ishchok, Daniel Peleg, Rakefet Cnaan, Judith, Orit Bregman, Dana Barlev, Daria Moses, Inbar Heller Algazy, Ofra Eyal, Yizhar Cohen, Ortal Bramler, Dor Rotem, Blair, Yael Vlovalsky, Inbal Kaiser Asa, Guy Sagi, Sana Shechtman, Yekaterina Royz, Jana Pack, Lior Ben Zaken, Sergei Iskov, Amitzur, Ze’ev Engelmeyer, Keren Katz, Gilad Selikter, Maya Klinger, Maayan Galili, Eden Ophir, Eyal Balabin, Noa Kelner, Shoham Eliav, Hila Noam, Or Livne, Roni Nova, Dana Brenner, Ofel Michal, Kudo, Marina Garchanik, Shiraz Fuman, Naama Benziman, Hadas Hayun, Maria Shabtzov, Mariana Raskin Diboua, Itai Gershfeld, Tamar Dovrat, Dan Sarid, Sivan Peterman, Naama Ben Nahum Avrahami, Hanoch Fiben, Aviel Basil, Noa Peled, Yana Bukler, Shai Ben Ari, Julia Sherer, Shlomi Nachmani, Amit Rimon, Tamar Ben Joya.