The Joint Memorial Day Ceremony 2021

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The 2021 Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Day Ceremony

April 13th 2021

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The 16th Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony took place on April 13, 2021

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After the Ceremony ended, we invited you to join Zoom sessions that dealt with memory, fear, the ceremony itself, and the connection between them

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To enter the recordings of the Zoom conversations click on the room number:

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Room 1
Meeting with the Speakers – The speakers of the ceremony, Tamar Pikes, Layla Alshekh, and Gili Meisler will share and answer questions about the ceremony and their personal bereavement.
Languages: English, with simultaneous translation into Arabic.

Room 2
The Personal Story – Muna Abu Sara, a speaker in the ceremony, who lost her son Khaled, and Guy Elhanan, who lost his sister Smadar, will tell their personal stories, and what they went through until they reached the Parents Circle-Families Forum.
Languages: Arabic, with simultaneous translation into Hebrew.

Room 3
The Personal Story – Yuval Sapir, who lost his sister, and Ashraf Abu Ayash, who lost his father, will tell their personal stories, and what they went through until they reached the Parents Circle-Families Forum.
Languages: Hebrew, with simultaneous translation into Arabic.

Room 4
The Ceremony – How it all began – Osama Eliwat and Avner Wishnitzer, members of Combatants for Peace, will talk about the establishment of the movement, the idea behind it, and the connection between these and the ceremony.
Languages: Hebrew, with simultaneous English translation.

Room 5
The Narrative of Fear – Becca Strober, a member of Breaking the Silence, will talk about fear, one of the main justification mechanisms of the occupation – and how she learned to leave it out of the equation.

Room 6
The Narrative of Fear – Nadav Weiman, a member of Breaking the Silence, will talk about fear, one of the main justification mechanisms of the occupation – and how he learned to leave it out of the equation.
Languages: Hebrew, no translation.

Room 7
Disturbing the Peace – Sulaiman Khatib from Combatants for Peace and Steve Apkon, the filmmaker of “Disturbing the Peace”, will talk about just that: How do you create change within the comfort zone?
Languages: English, with simultaneous translation into Hebrew.

Room 8
Overcoming Oppression from the USA to Palestine Elda Jackson III, a speaker, healer, and activist whose work focuses on racial justice in the prison system, will discuss with Aziz Abu Sarah, a well-known Palestinian activist, journalist, and social entrepreneur, the intersectionality between the racial justice movement in the USA and the fight for Palestinian freedom.

Room 9
Israeli Society: Immune System in Crisis – Journalist Akiva Eldar will talk with Prof. Daniel Bar-Tal, a political psychologist who researches conflicts and their resolutions, about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a socio-psychological prism.
Languages: Hebrew, with simultaneous translation into Arabic.

Room 10
Overcoming Fear Through Nonviolent Action – David Shulman and Sami Awad, activists, philosophers and experts of nonviolent resistance, will talk about the fear of rebelling against reality and ways to cope with that fear.
Languages: English, with simultaneous translation into Arabic.

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